

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Just last week I had a major epiphany. MAJOR. My world exploded. I mean like rock your socks off, shaking my snow globe, inside out and upside down, however you want to put it. God made a mess of my world. I am becoming overwhelmed with our flirtatious God, who has been relentlessly pursuing my heart for sometime now.

This all started with a simple prayer that seemed like it took place months ago. I looked up to the heavens spoke words that were to be honest not very heart felt at the time and God simply smiled. I'm sure he was probably thinking "Girl, if you really, truly want me...I'm gonna take your world over like never before! I am going to make you desire a REAL, Relationship with me. I'm gonna show you a world that your mind never could comprehend. All it's gonna take is you, pursuing me. You. I will give you the desire to make me your love life. Making me the center of your days, like one would a boyfriend or girlfriend. You and I are going to date. We are going to be lovers. We are going to be immersed in a love that has power beyond your wildest dreams. No fairy tale could trump this story. It's time for you to live it! So Jenn. I am asking you to be my lady love. Will you?"

Whoa! I didn't know what to do when this finally hit me like a 5 lb bag of flour thrown at my gut. I was in shock. Sucker punched by grace. But for the first time. God revealed to me that I am not pursuing him actively.

God has AWAKENED my soul to his presence like never before and I want to "get to know him." Not like know who he is, like he died for me and he's God and stuff like that, but to understand his likes, his dislikes, his stories and understand why he has this amazing grace to offer me when I do not deserve it. As Francis Chan says in the book Crazy Love, "The greatest knowledge we could ever have is knowing God treasures us."

With this new knowledge, I am prepared to tell the world that I am dating a Rock.
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