
In A NutShell

Friday, March 18, 2011

To My Eight Loyal Followers (And Anyone Else Who Happens Upon My Blog),

I feel I owe an explanation to my recent failure to blog. But that would be super boring and I don't want to start there. I would much rather like to say..."Opps, My Bad." (But do people still really say "my bad" anymore though? Well I just did. How'd you like that? Boo-Ya! Ha!)

Anyways a break was taken and now I'm back! Guess Who's Back, Back Again! I know your hearing that Eminem Song...I sure am. Oh I'm the only one. Well at least I'm jamming alone! Smile*

I do feel the need to do a quick "Jenn in a Nut Shell" recap of the past....oh geez...has it really been a month. Once again. My Bad. I won't fail you this big again...Scouts Honor. Or Something like that I guess. 
So Here it is...

In A Nutshell:

• I've done some DIY Projects - Including Inspirational Ideas (Some examples to come...)

• Road Trip Weekend to Austin (Oh man am I in Love! Video to come...)

• Saw the Cirque Du Soleil Show OVO. (Incredible) 

• Harry Potter Book 7 Complete! (I'm so happy! I know everything now! I can't wait for the movie! It's   
  going to be epic! I know, I know...say it...I do...NERD!)

• Work Trip to STL (More fun at the City Museum. Had an amazing photo shoot for Dr Pepper!)

• I went to my very first Hockey Game Ever! (And I'm going to my second tomorrow night...with a boy! 
  I'm sure I'll have plenty to post on that soon enough...)

• I'm starting to sew again (I've got a skirt in mind that I have been dying make...I'll definitely post about 
  that one...for sure...that will be quite the little experience I'm sure of it....ha!)

• New Music I've Fallen For: The Civil Wars, Adele 21 and Mindy Glenhill. All I can say is: LOVE.

So that's some of the big stuff that's been making me too busy to blog (LAME)...but really no excuses here...I've got so much to tell you guys! I just can't wait!


Agentsuperstar said...

;) Living life is much more important than blogging. Looking forward to pics of your adventures.

Rania said...

I agree with Agentsuperstar. Living is much more important and fun than blogging. :) But glad you're back and looking forward to catching up with you.

Did you go to SXSW for your Austin trip?

Oh, and I'll go ahead and put in my order for a cute little skirt if you're getting into the sewing thing ;)

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