
And SNAP, The Job's a GAME!

Saturday, January 08, 2011

What?! Day Seven Already? Who knew the first 7 days would fly by so quickly? I sure would not have guessed it. Now that I've started really making a dent in the 30 items I have to work with...I'm starting to discover my mixing side. The during this first week...I've felt pretty comfortable with the choices. I was working with outfits that seemed pretty natural to put together. Familiar almost.

But today I started to see how the mixing was going to start coming in handy. I put together an outfit that I wouldn't have done before. The shirt I've layered under the blouse, I would have always considered to be a statement shirt not an accent shirt. It has these beautiful ruffles and polka dots. I normally would have paired it with a cardigan and belt (see day 2 for example). But I mixed these two items up and WHAM, a new creation was born. I was kind of excited about it. So in my excitement, I thought ahead and started thinking of the next few days. And as Mary Poppins would say, "And Snap (snap fingers here), the job's a game!" 

These outfits are starting to make me realize the endless possibilities of my current closet as it stands. I'm starting to see the creative fun I can have making my outfits for the week instead of the chore it can be to make sure I have a presentable outfit for work and play. Yay for Remixing Fun!

Blouse: LOFT
Button Up Undershirt: Gap
Jeans: Thrifted Levi's
Flats: Target

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love your first week! And I think day 7 may be my favorite:). You are such a fashionista!!

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