
Rainy Days and Fire Places

Monday, January 17, 2011

Today is a rainy day. I heart rain days. And, it wasn't just any rainy day. It was the perfect kind. I was able to sleep in and relax. Following a quaint morning of relaxation, I spent the afternoon and evening with friends. We lit a fire, cooked dinner (Indian Food = Yum!) and then watched a movie. It really was the perfect kind of day.

Honestly I was probably a bit over dressed for the casual activities of the day...but really. The 30 for 30 challenge almost demands cute and pulled together looks for everyday of it. So I gave in and pulled out this cleaver ensemble. I really think it pulled the day together quite nicely no complaints here.

Cardigan: New York and Co.
Blouse: LOFT
Belt, Earrings, Necklace: H&M
Jeans: Thrifted Levi's 
Flats: Payless

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