
Ode to Target

Thursday, January 06, 2011

I was not aware this morning when I pulled on my clothes that I could technically be in a target ad. I just pulled on the chosen remix of the day (picked by none other than my groggy tired self at 12:30 last night) and went off to work. About ten o'clock this morning it hit me, when I was asked where my skirt was from. "Oh, Target, I yeah I'm pretty sure....wait just one second," I said as I checked the tag quickly...Oh my...Then I noticed top, my skirt, my socks, my boots, my necklace and my earrings are all from target today. Wow. I didn't see that coming. I mean my pocketbook surely I can never go there just for groceries. And I almost always leave there spending $50 plus dollars and an arm-full of new tops or shoes that were on sale. 

Oye vey! I curse you target...oh no I don't...I take it back...I love you Target! Target please forget what I just said, cuz really...I love this outfit. And it might be my favorite one of the remix so far. So Target, Thanks! You make my closet happy!

Earrings: Target
Blouse: Target
Necklace: Target
Skirt: Target
Socks: Target
Boots: Target
(Surprise, Surprise)

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