
The Wedding Remix

Sunday, January 09, 2011

When I kind of went into panic mode yesterday, when I suddenly realized I was going to a wedding on Saturday. It's not that I forgot that my friends, Kat and Leonard were getting married. I just realized I needed to stay within my 30 items and when I chose them...I didn't plan for the wedding. I planned for work. I planned for weekends and even a trip to Minnesota next week. But for some reason...I didn't plan for their wedding. 

But as I started riffling through the thirty items...It just suddenly came together. The pieces, that I'm sure on a regular occasion,  I would have paired together before. And it was a match in remix heaven. I'm really starting to surprise myself. Smile* This is a very cool challenge. 

Shirt: LOFT
Dress: LOFT
Head Band: Urban
Necklace: Forever21
Flower Belt: J.Crew
Tights: Target
Flats: Target

Below are a few pics from the wedding:


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